Korean netizens criticized the "One Piece" comic actually appear in the flag of war criminals

Published on by cosplaydiy

According to Korean media reports NocutNews, July 8 South Korea Forum Website inventory of the "One Piece" cartoon appeared in the "war criminals flag", you can see a similar Japanese Rising Sun flag banner flag frequently appeared in the comics, and the rising sun flag in Korea they were contemptuously called "war criminals flag."

These flags include war criminals appeared in the debut of the first 655 words of "harmony of the country," the banner, the first 325 words of the banner in the background debut, the first 278 words and 624 words flying the flag, and so on. Even animations 182 words looks like there is a pattern of red and white flag banner war criminals. For details, please poke to see One Piece cosplay costumes.

Korean media pointed out that in Japan, this is called "rising sun flag heaven," "Rising Sun flag" flag war criminals, according to the deformation from the date of the Japanese flag pill, shows the ambition of the earth and the sun shone, is considered to be of Japanese imperialism and militarism symbolism, so the Northeast Asian countries banned suspension and exposed.

Korean netizens have said this, "I put all youth are dedicated to the" One Piece ", is now very painful" "" One Piece "turned out to be the right wing works seems to paint their work, they must have to figure out the pattern behind the painting significance of the job, "said Japanese friends," "One Piece" and soon developed into the story of the country, and that time Korean will mad, "" Rising Sun flag banner SDF is now, how can it be a symbol of militarism yet. "

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